Welcome to my BLOG!

As John Lennon once sang: “I am here, as you are here, as you are we, and we are all together”.

And here we are, all together.

It’s October 20th, 2020. What a great date (10/20/20) to start something new (despite the world being in a state of chaos at the moment).

Let’s get this engine running, shall we?

Here’s MY BLOG! johnnywales.net

What’s my blog going to be about? Well, I did quite a bit of research beforehand, and every blogger out there all had this one tip for starting a blog, and that was:





Here’s my thought about niches:

You’re going to run out of things to say about a single subject. I mean, there’s only so much one can talk about, right? And secondly, no randomness or spontaneous off the wall subjects/discussions.

Imagine you had a blog about coffee. Coffee was your only topic. Coffee this, and coffee that, but you just got back from an awesome trip to Iceland, or you had a great experience parachuting out of an airplane, or you made the best seafood dish, or your baby son/daughter said their first words, or you bitched about the poor service you received at the airport, or you had a great deal on buying a new camera, or you went camping and saw a family of bears, or you laid in bed the whole day with a bad bout of the flu, or you can’t see a way out of your dead-end job, or you tasted tequila for the first time. You can’t discuss any of these life issues because your blog is solely about coffee. Not Iceland. Not food. Not bears. Not the flu. Not tequila. That’s what I don’t understand about having “just one niche”: It’s too confined, and frankly, kinda boring after a while. 

If I’m going to start this blog, I want it to be about whatever life throws my way, including anything and everything that peaks my interested or what I love/hate:

The good, the bad, the interesting, the boring, the success, the failure, the colors, the darkness – It’s what one’s life is all about, right? A mosaic of events, lessons, experiences, and memories to treasure or to learn from. Trying to make it through the day to see the next, with all the magic and bullshit that goes along with those 24 hours. So heads up, my blog is going to be all over the place with an array of topics both entertaining and personal to me. I’m hoping you will enjoy reading about them and benefit from the ride too. And don’t you worry…we’ll definitely be talking about coffee at some point 😊

Who am I?

I’m originally from Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom. Brought up during the seventies and eighties (what great decades they were growing up as a kid/teenager). Had a mum, dad, three sisters, and a few cats and dogs along the way. Was pretty poor growing up on a council estate (“the projects”, for you Americans reading this). Lived on food stamps and hand-me-downs for many years. Dad died when I was 12. I left school with a few ‘O’ levels and went to college for a year to study business. Took a summer job working as a tomato picker at a greenhouse nursery. Ended up staying and working there full time as a horticulturalist for 10 years. An opportunity presented itself to live and work in America for 9 months which I took. Well, 22 years later, and I’m still here (legally, that is!), and I’m now a writer. I had my first book published via Amazon earlier this year:

Just a ‘scratch the surface’ introduction. A lot more details to be revealed as the blog takes off.

I’m shooting for Tuesdays and Fridays for writing/posting blogs, so come back on October 23rd for the first official blog rant!! It’ll be fun!!