It starts with an idea. A whim. A spark. Something constantly nagging in the back of your mind. Then it takes flight. Almost taking on a life of its own. Creating excitement and possibility that something could actually become possible. That something could be brought forth into existence into your life. It starts with feeling and emotion, then becomes the written word. Words to live by. Words to uphold every day. Of course there will be days when these words just don’t fit or live up to their meaning. No worries. Tomorrows a clean slate. A fresh start. Here are my words to you. My daily mantra I have pinned up in my bedroom so I see these words…Every. Single. Day.

Be better than yesterday.

Give thanks to God & The Universe.

Stop procrastination, and get shit done.

Stop wasting time watching TV and YouTube.

Achieve all daily to-do list goals.

Believe the best is yet to come.

Cut down on booze, carbs, and sugars.

Today is the day to make good things happen.

What a great life I have. Blessed, thankful, and grateful.

Do what makes you happy.

Bad times are the best lessons to learn and grow from.

Believe how badass you can be.

Look how far you’ve come.

You only have yourself to please, impress, and rely on.

Having a bad day? “This too shall pass”.

Fuck fear and the horse it rode in on.

Boo-friggin-hoo!! Stop feeling sorry for yourself.

Today is a brand new day to start afresh.

Who cares what others think. It’s your life, not theirs.

Learning and growing are essential to happiness.

You can do this. Take a deep breath and jump in.

Make miracles happen.

Charting scary and unknown paths can be exciting.

You could die tomorrow. Make today count.